

What is Suboxone Treatment?

Suboxone Treatment is an FDA approved drug used to treat opiate use disorder. If you or a loved one has become dependent on opiates, suboxone might be the treatment to help you overcome your addiction. The best way to learn if Suboxone Treatment (Buprenorphine) is the treatment for you is to reach out to our dedicated and caring staff today. We will evaluate your needs and concerns, and help you find the right treatment plan.


Is Suboxone an Addictive Drug?

Yes, Suboxone is an addictive drug, and can be detrimental to one’s health if abused. However, if the drug is taken as prescribed and used for treatment purposes, suboxone is then safe and effective.


How Does Suboxone Work?

Suboxone targets the same receptors in your brain that opiates do without giving you the high. This allows the recovering individual to focus on daily goals, and work to achieve them while fighting the disease of opiate use disorder. The drug is typically used in combination with psychotherapy and other treatments to help the individual conquer the underlying reasons for dependency while also helping them treat their mental and overall well-being.


Does my insurance cover Suboxone Treatment?

Most likely yes, if the treatment is deemed medically necessary. During your consultation, our team will determine if Suboxone is the right treatment for you, and will then work with your insurance to cover the treatment.


Why Choose BibiHealth for Suboxone Treatment?

BibiHealth is dedicated to your overall health and well-being, and can help you find the right treatment plan for success. Reach out to our team today to learn more about how the drug works and can help you accomplish your goals.

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